Our mission is to connect the research, industry, and governing communities by providing authoritative coverage and references in niche and specialised areas, all while fostering international collaboration through our philosophy of Exploring Boundless Horizons: Your Gateway to Knowledge and Insight.
Read more on our Submitting articles:
Instructions to authors
In the workplace and in academia, what are the proper etiquette norms to follow?
AVE Trends won't publish an article if it's been published elsewhere, is being considered for publication elsewhere, or has been submitted without the author's permission. No libellous, unlawful, or infringing information is allowed. Each author must read and agree with the article. Here are our Author Ethical Guidelines. Even if another publication or journal is considering the author's article, they can still submit it (including other AVE Trends titles). The author wants written confirmation that the article was rejected or removed. After submitting the paper, the author must send supporting documents to support@avepubs.com with the AVE Trends submission ID in the subject line. Only the work's lawful owner can sign the Author Copyright Agreement. Submitting an article means accepting these terms. If an approved article is undesirable, including failing to meet review form criteria, the publisher may re-referee or reject the work. Before submitting to another journal, authors must withdraw withdrawn articles in writing. Noncompliance with these regulations may result in penalties.
So, what if my article has already appeared elsewhere?
Neither a prior English publication nor simultaneous submission to another magazine is permitted. Submissions based on previously published conference papers must adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Conference Paper section of the Preparing articles page. It's also important to note if the work has been published before or in a different language. Such declarations and justifications for any deviations from the aforementioned guidelines should be provided in the "Notes for the EiC" portion of the online submission form.
What information (word limit, style, templates, figure density tables, etc.) do I need to know to write my article?
The text needs to follow the guidelines for article preparation.
Contributions from Other Authors
When submitting your paper, please include a complete list of all writers. Make sure all co-authors are on the same page about who will be the corresponding author and in what order, and double-check all affiliations and contact details. Authorship changes are only allowed during the review stage. All alterations require prior approval from the journal's Editor-in-Chief, who must be contacted with a detailed explanation of why the alteration is necessary. The request to add or remove an author must come from all of the authors, and that person must be copied on the email. After your content has been accepted, no further revisions will be made to it.
Why do I need to name three specialists?
During the online submission process, you'll be asked to list the names and contact information for three experts in your field who can comment on your article. At least one of the specialists needs to be from a different country than you are, and they can't all be from the same institution. This request is meant to make sure that you are up-to-date on the relevant research literature, and to help us find people who would be great additions to our Experts Database and potential reviewers for AVE Trends journals (though we probably won't ask them to evaluate your work).
When it comes to copyright, what are your thoughts?
AVE Trends cannot accept an article if it's not the author's original work, has been published before, or is being considered elsewhere. The article must not be libellous, illegal, or violate others' rights. Full Author Guidelines are available. Author must hold copyright to sign Author Copyright Agreement. Authors must follow these guidelines when submitting articles. When an article is accepted for publication, Author Copyright Agreements and the final version should be submitted online. Each author must sign a copyright agreement form after reading the Explanatory Notes below. All writers' signatures might be on one form or supplied separately. Each form must list all article authors under the title and in the order specified in the article. A "Corresponding Author" should collect copyright assignments from each author.
When you want us to take over copyright, why do we ask you to do so?
The editorial staff at AVE Trends is dedicated to upholding the journal's high publishing standards, which are based on rigorous double-blind peer review. We do all in our power to increase the visibility of the papers we publish, both in print and online, as well as the standing of the authors, the journal, the Editor, and the Editorial Board. Authors of works approved for publication are required to sign our Author Copyright Agreement, assigning AVE Trends full rights to the articles.
When my article is published, what rights do I have and what can I do with it?
What about Privacy?
Any information submitted to AVE Trends Publishers, including but not limited to names and email addresses, will be used solely for the stated purposes of the specified journal and will not be shared with any third parties.
When I have finished all the necessary steps for submission, what should I do next?
Make sure everything has been covered by using the Submissions checklist.
Checklist for Submissions
Before sending in your article, make sure it satisfies all the criteria on the following checklist.
What is the procedure for submitting in my article?
Submissions and peer review for AVE Trends are handled using this system.
After I submit in my article, what happens to it?
All publications produced by AVE Trends lay considerable attention on the quality of the papers they publish. As a result, all submitted articles undergo a thorough double-blind refereeing procedure, during which they are distributed to a panel of two or three subject-matter experts for their feedback. The reviewers' recommendations determine whether an article will be:
When articles need modifications, the same reviewers check them again. The EiC gets ultimate authority on all magazine content and can reject unsolicited submissions, make editorial recommendations, or edit. If your work is accepted, the publisher will send you proofs so you can correct any errors. We'll send updated proofs after 15 days. Publishers aren't responsible for writers' mistakes.
My article has numerous writers; what should I do?
When an article is accepted for publication, the "corresponding author" is responsible for gathering and submitting the copyright assignment from each author and representing the paper during the refereeing process.
Getting ready to prepare an article
All published journals' homepages have sample articles that can be read for free for research purposes.
References and Notes
Please note that all AVE Trends journals use the same style guide, which calls for the use of numerals throughout the text and a full numerical list at the end of the manuscript rather than footnotes. In this regard, consider the following: "...Zyan's [1] research validated the earlier findings of Ezzah [2], indicating the likelihood of the discoveries in this area to be real..."
Figures: Figures refers to any and all images included in this document. Coloured figures, if any, will also be displayed in their original hues in the digital edition. In the event that the quality of the colour figure submitted is inadequate for production in colour, it will also be displayed in black and white in the digital edition. The preferred format is to have consecutively numbered black and white figures rather than coloured ones. Please supply a high-quality colour image if the colour scheme is crucial to the illustration. The best position for them is near the end of the piece rather than scattered throughout the content. You are kindly asked to provide the finest quality figures possible, with specific attention paid to line diagrams.
Reader familiarity with specific national organisations or corporations should not be assumed in International Context. Writers are urged to take a global view of their subject of choice.
Translated Works: Acronyms are notoriously difficult to translate, which is why it's always preferable to write them out in full when using English. Similar care must be used with prefixes and suffixes whose letters stand for translated words. It's important to double-check any translated names of mathematical functions against a reliable English or American mathematical reference work.
Submitting your article