About Ave Trends

A. About AVE Trends

A group of eminent professors and Scientists around the globe founded “AVE Trends” AVE Trends Publishing to support the dissemination of usable knowledge and educate a global community. AVE Trends is one of the leading international providers of innovative, high-quality content publishing in form of journals and books each year, spanning a wide range of subject areas.

AVE Trends Publications publishes peer-reviewed, open access academic journals focusing on the rapidly growing requirements of science, Management, Engineering and Technology, AVE Trends Publications covers a wide range of academic disciplines updated regularly with innovative and quality research.

All content published by AVE Trends Publications offers unrestricted access, distribution, and reproduction online medium; provided the original work is correctly cited. Our policy ensures the highest standards of peer-review for all manuscripts submitted for publication, We are dedicated to offer researchers the highest level of services.

Our Publications delivers support throughout the complete publishing process in an efficient and effective manner, allowing you to focus on the current area of research. AVE Trends manage to distribute your research to thousands of libraries worldwide. Our growing selection of library products includes archives, data and case studies.

B. Open Access

A chance can be found in open access. To disseminate your findings internationally and to collaborate with people from other fields, regions, and professions. For the purpose of adding to, refining, and expanding our body of collective knowledge. We value transparency and include it into every step of our publication process at AVE Trends to give researchers the greatest possible amount of freedom and flexibility in their contributions.

Transparency is a Strength
AVE Trend provides a variety of cutting-edge Open Access alternatives to improve the quality of the scientific record, increase accessibility, promote trustworthiness, and multiply the results of research.

Improve your impact
Free and easily accessible research has a greater chance of being read, cited, and implemented into practise. Articles with an Open Access licence are more likely to be read and cited by scholars throughout the world, as well as by policymakers, educators, and the general public.

In addition to demonstrating the quality of your research and the screening it has passed, sharing the underlying components of your research decreases the potential for bias and promotes transparency into the investigatory and peer review processes.

Maximize your contribution
More timely dissemination of findings results in less overall waste in the scientific ecosystem and more chances for reuse, inspiration, and collaboration.

Trust and long-term success
Use Open Access techniques that incorporate open methods, open data, and study designs into published articles to guarantee that all of the necessary components for replication are preserved in the long-term scientific record.

Customized publishing

  • What should you emphasise most while presenting research?
  • Your scientific work will be easily accessible to everyone at any time.
  • Open Access licencing eliminates barriers.
  • Preprints allow you to take charge of your research's dissemination.
  • The credibility of your scientific work has been established among readers.
  • Your research can be used again and again.
  • Open, well-described methods promote understanding and reliability.
  • Open Data can help with re-analysis and replication.
  • Your academic contributions are all credited.

AVE Trends expands your research's reach.
Study designs, protocols, code, and procedures; raw data and photos; preprints, peer reviews, commentary, and articles; and so on may all be easily surfaced and shared with AVE Trends's straightforward solutions.

Through our cutting-edge Open Data standards, we guarantee that your data will be preserved as an indelible part of the scientific record, available for future researchers to use and discover. So that studies can be checked, repeated, reused, and better comprehended.

Integrity, comprehension, reproducibility, and reusability in research all benefit from the adoption of open methodologies. Sharing your methods in detail will help other researchers save time and effort, and it will increase the likelihood that your work will be cited. Utilize our one-of-a-kind publication choices and partnerships to disseminate your preregistered research, procedures, and code in a manner that is most helpful to your study.

Peer-review publications
Research outputs include both peer reviews and author responses to reviewers. They improve our comprehension of the study conducted, add credibility to the findings that have been published, and enrich the scientific literature overall. Reviewers are held more accountable and provide more helpful criticism when they know their review could be made public. Any AVE Trends journal that accepts your paper for publication gives you the option of also publishing the peer review comments.

Your ability to manage your own scientific publications is strengthened by preprints. When you feel comfortable doing so, you should make your research public in order to set priorities, announce your findings, solicit input from the community, build your readership, and strengthen your case for funding, promotion, or tenure. Preprints are acceptable for submission to AVE Trends.

Open Future
Through its open-source model, Open Science envisions a research ecosystem where scientists from different institutions and fields can collaborate to produce high-quality, peer-reviewed findings. AVE Trend's efforts to better support our researchers are directed toward this end.

  • Boosting Comprehension
  • By means of rigorous meta-analysis
  • Widening Availability
  • To books and magazines
  • Better ability to reproduce results
  • Public resources are free
  • Raising Credit Limits
  • When studying, consider

For almost a decade now, AVE Trends Publications has been widely recognised for producing high-quality academic journals. The standards established by the Committee on Publication Ethics have our full support, and we adhere to them (COPE). Furthermore, we have set comprehensive publication policies to ensure the highest standards of publication ethics are upheld by all of our writers.

Authors who choose to publish their work in AVE TrendsPub publications are deemed to have read and agreed to the journal's policies for publishing.

We have included quick access links to our open access journal rules in the sidebar.


Publication Fees

AVE Trends uses a variety of financial methods to promote Open Access for all users. By charging a price for each article, most OA journals are able to cover the costs associated with publication, such as peer review management, journal production, and online hosting and archiving (APC). As a result of our collaborations with academic institutions and funding organisations, we hope to ease the workload of authors and cut down on associated costs.

Journal publication costs are listed at the Fee Details-Link and are due once an article has been accepted for publication. Payment in accordance with the rates in place on the date of your submission.

Future of Open Access

We are collaborating with universities to encourage scholars from different backgrounds and fields to publish their work openly.
To help institutions facilitate their authors' Open Access publication ambitions, all AVE Trends journals provide payment alternatives other than the Article Processing Charge (APC). Many AVE Trends authors can avoid paying for and keeping track of publication fees through institutional collaborations. These can take the form of annual centralised payments, direct invoicing, or participation in Community Action Publishing. Investigate whether or not your school is one of our Institutional Partners.

Open Access Funding Support

The movement to sponsor activities that promote Open Access publication is gaining traction. The availability of institutional, government, and foundation Open Access financing is beneficial to authors worldwide. There are various sources of funding support for publication fees, and AVE Trends is just one of them.

Institutional Open Access Funds

There are several examples of organisations helping out their scholars by providing funds to pay or lessen the price of Open Access publications.
In the event that your school is not included in the list of Institutional Account Participants, please consult with your library to learn about additional resources.
Also, you can persuade your organisation to directly partner with AVE Trends to finance all future journal articles. All you have to do is complete out this form, and we'll take it from there.
Spread the word around campus that you want your administration to help you get published by telling them about our institutional collaboration strategies to reduce costs.

Funder Fee Support

Many funding organisations now prefer that scientists disseminate their findings through freely accessible Open Access publications. Check with your potential donor to see whether they offer article processing grants or if you may include fees as line items on a grant application.
Authors submitting to any AVE Trends publication can be assured that their work will be made available to the public in accordance with the policies of the world's leading philanthropies.
We feel that the lack of financial resources should not prevent anyone from publishing in Open Access.

AVE Trends Publication Fee Assistance Program (ATPFAP)

It was with this in mind that the AVE Trends Publishing Fee Assistance (PFA) programme was established to help authors who could not otherwise afford to pay for publication but who could show a compelling financial need to do so.

The following countries are eligible for ATPFAP:
Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Bhutan, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, East Timor, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Kiribati, Laos, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Rwanda, Samoa, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu, Yemen, Zambia, Refund Policy
When submitting an article for publication, an author is eligible to apply for ATPFAP. Within 12 working days, a decision is typically communicated to the author. Case-by-case review is how AVE Trends evaluates applications.

In the case of the AVE Trends, all editorial considerations are given priority when deciding which articles to publish. Journal editors and reviewers are not made aware of fee assistance applications.
Prior to applying for ATPFAP, authors are encouraged to explore all other possible financing options. Questions regarding the availability of alternate funding from sources like the authors' or co-authors' institution, institutional library, government agencies, and research funders are included in the application form. The authors' disclosure of funding sources is required for consideration by the ATPFAP.
Formal application for aid must be made at the time of enrollment. There will be no time limit on requests, so feel free to send them in at any point, either during the review process or after acceptance. It is not possible for authors to contact the journal directly or send an email requesting fee help.

Refund Policy

After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, APCs need to be paid. After a work has been accepted by AVE Trends Publications, no cancellations or refunds will be given.

Payment Confirmation

As soon as the Article Processing Charges have been received, a receipt will be emailed to the associated author. Assuming your payment clears, you should have the confirmation in your hands within three to four business days.

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G. Ethical Guidelines for Authors

By submitting a manuscript to AVE Trends Publishers, you certify that you have read these ethical rules, understand them, and will abide by them.
AVE Trends Publishers' Editorial Office reserves the right to reject submissions if they believe the work was not completed within an appropriate ethical framework for scholarly publications. AVE Trends Publishers follows the COPE guidelines for ethical publishing practises.

Concerning any potential competing or conflicting interests involving other people or organisations that could be construed as relevant to the topic of the paper, authors are required to make a declaration within the text of their paper. Financial, professional, and even personal interests might be at odds with one another.

  • Funding for Studies
  • Connections with groups and institutions, such as foundations, think tanks, and charities, that provide financial support
  • Participation in lobbying or advocacy groups
  • Relationships with authors, reviewers, editors, or members of the editorial board of an AVE Trends journal Personal convictions regarding the issue of the submitted work that could compromise the objectivity of the review and publication process

Plagiarism: Plagiarism in any form is unethical and unacceptable.
Plagiarism includes copying another's writing word-for-word without quoting and citing the source.

  • Uncredited use of a unique term or concept.
  • Paraphrasing someone else's thoughts without citing the source.
  • False citation: don't attribute unsourced stuff.
  • False data: lab-fabricated or experiment-altered data; not plagiarism, but academic fraud.
  • Multiple authors or collaboration should be recognised.
  • Self-plagiarism/double submission: the submission of the same or a substantially similar manuscript to two or more publications.

Animal research: Authors should disclose if institutional and national rules for animal care and usage were followed.
Informed consent must be documented whenever human information or clinical photos are used. Signed consent forms are needed before reviewing a paper.
Medical research: Medical writers or anyone else who helped should be credited.

Sponsorship: Pharmaceutical companies or other commercial organisations that sponsor clinical trials should follow The International Society for Medical's good practise guidelines. These guidelines also apply to companies or individuals who work on industry-sponsored publications, such as freelance writers, contract research organisations, and communications companies.